Help in Couples Therapy Boston, Marriage Counseling, & More.
Phone Therapy and Video Call Therapy Available.

Gay and Lesbian Couples

Gay and lesbian couples face the same relationship challenges as heterosexual couples: communication issues, lack of sex and intimacy, unresolved anger and lack of closeness.

Couples Counseling for Gay and Lesbian Couples

Gay and lesbian couples may deal with additional stressors, including stigma, conflicting norms and expectations, and lack of family support. Couples counseling for gay and lesbian partners can help clarify issues specific to same-sex couples. What you can, and should, expect from a skillful therapist is an added awareness and sensitivity to challenges unique to same-sex couples.

Contact Dr. Feldman today to learn more about her therapy services and schedule an appointment.  Click here to learn about other couples therapy services Dr. Feldman offers.

Please check out the  Relationship Advice article written by Dr. Feldman.  This advice focuses on the five steps you can take now to better communication in your relationship.